Composting 101: Holiday Edition

Compost to make the most of your holiday season!

Each year, we provide deeply discounted compost bins at our Green Festival to help residents compost leftover food and other waste. This holiday season, we want to remind people that food doesn’t have to go to waste! Follow these simple tips and you’ll be composting like a pro in no time:

Save the shells Whether you are cracking eggs for holiday baking or shelling nuts for guests to snack on, extend the life of these generated scraps by tossing them into your compost pile instead of the trash!

Coffee and tea is often enjoyed alongside holiday desserts (or on holiday mornings!). Keep in mind– leftover coffee grounds and tea bags make a great addition to your compost collection.

Fruit and vegetable waste fuel the perfect compost pile. When you are peeling potatoes or trimming green beans, turn away from your trash bin with the scraps and turn toward your composter!

Holiday houseplants may dry out after the season. Add them to your compost bin to bring a carbon-rich component to your mix.

Twice as Nice: Opt to use recycled newspaper to wrap holiday gifts instead of store-bought wrapping paper to cut down on waste produced. Once the gifts are opened, shred the newspaper to use in your compost pile. 

Learn more about composting at