Camden County Town Hall and Service Fair Coming to Collingswood on March 18

Collingswood residents, mark your calendars for the upcoming Town Hall on March 18 at 5pm!

The Camden County Board of Commissioners is hosting a series of town hall meetings across Camden County, creating another level of access and opportunity. Representatives from all levels of government will be in attendance to update residents on projects and programming that are taking place in their neighborhood and across Camden County. The meeting also includes a Q&A session, providing residents the ability to ask questions and get answers straight from a representative of the governing body and for elected officials to hear directly from their constituents.

The Town Hall will be followed by a Service Fair at 6 pm, offering a unique chance for attendees to connect with various local organizations and service providers. Whether you're seeking information on healthcare, education, housing, or community services, this fair promises to be a one-stop destination. 

Town Hall Meetings - Collingswood V3.pdf (1) - Copy