Spring Flushing to Begin April 15, 2024

Collingswood will conduct townwide hydrant flushing between the hours of 9am to approximately 2pm in neighborhoods beginning April 15, 2024. Anyone living in homes of surrounding blocks during flushing should avoid using water during these hours. In the morning it is best to run water from a tub (cold water side only) or outside hose spigot to avoid any unsettled mineral content from getting trapped in faucet screens. We thank you for your patience while we perform this important and necessary task.

See the complete neighborhood flushing schedule here.

Collingswood periodically conducts hydrant flushing in the Borough. The water main flushing program is designed to remove natural minerals like iron and calcium that sometimes collect in the bottom of water mains. This operation may cause a temporary discoloration in your water supply. By allowing your water to run for a short period of time, the problem should clear itself. Please be assured, although the water may be discolored, it is safe for human use.

For more information visit the Water Department page here.